v1.26.23.0 – First Post (Hello World)

Well greetings! and thank you for visiting my hopefully one day infamous tech blog. You know, as I write this (at nearly 2AM), I am reminded about how I started in tech so many moons ago…I think it was like 1996? Strange I know…what does a kindergartner know about technology. The truth? Not much at all. But that is where it all began: an unwavering passion for technology and the things we can achieve with it.

Okay…enough history. What is the goal? What’s the purpose? Obviously, there are about a billion blogs out there (probably more) that cover the things I will be covering. In fact, half of the time, I’m learning from them as well! You see, that’s the beauty of tech: there are a million different ways to do something, and not one person is right. What works for them, might not work for me, but works for you. The joys of thinking differently and troubleshooting from all different avenues.

Knowledge is something that we all cherish; and in technology, it is ever so important to keep up with it all. Not to mention, it is imperative to document. Albeit, something I was horrible at until recently–though it was derived from a healthy mix of necessity and a desire to be better, all while enabling others to become more themselves.

So, back to the purpose: why am I doing this when so many others are already completing the same things? Why be another blog on the internet? Well, the answer is simple, but two fold:

  1. This serves as a documentation repository for me; it also allows me to showcase the different projects I’m working on and maybe something you will find interesting along the way to implement or help with a troublesome project you are working on.
  2. It serves as a place for my future employers and employees to find out more about me and my skillsets/capabilities.

I’ve tried blogging in the past; but I didn’t keep up with it. It seemed to be more of a journal, but it was a fun read almost eleven years later, and even gave me a glimpse into things that I had forgotten about. Nothing like a stroll down memory lane (at times).

The real downfall is that I’ve kind of setup so many projects already…definitely a “cart before the horse,” kind of situation. But now that this is live, and I got a super cool domain (like really, how was this domain not already taken? 😅), come and join me as I start the process of documenting my projects, the trials and tribulations I face along the way, and test out new technologies. I’m thrilled that you’re here, and I can’t wait to share more with you!

So who am I? Call me Techno Lizard for now (homage to my nickname in high school). Maybe Blue Tang (also homage). Hard to say really, but for now, I guess I’ll go by Mait (read: mate). And look at that…as I’m writing my first project completes: vCenter Server 8. ☺️

vCenter Server 8 Installer Complete



